
I’m fascinated by the power of words to connect and uplift people. I’m also fascinated by the science of gymnastics and the art of coaching.

Coaching little people brings me lots of joy, because they are full of joy themselves.

I am unique, but my story isn’t. It is the story of learning to be comfortable in my own skin. I hope this blog helps you to do the same.


My name is Christine and I am a lawyer and gymnastics coach. I live with OCD but am not defined by it.

All my life I’ve struggled with self-acceptance, I’ve run from my feelings, I’ve felt out of place and alone. I thought I was weak, or weird, or just failing terribly at life. I’ve come to realise that I’m not the only one who feels like this.

While each of us is unique, our problems are not. Our feelings are not. And our deep yearning to be loved and accepted most definitely is not; it’s universal.

I started this blog to be a breath of fresh air for anyone who needs hope. Writing helped me on my journey to self-acceptance, and I’m hoping that the words I’ve written will help others.

I want A Breath Of Fresh Hope to be a place for positivity, but not the false, toxic kind that glosses over the gritty bits of life – the hurt, pain, and loss.

A place for true positivity, the kind that recognizes that life gets rough, and messy. The kind that gets down in the trenches, digs deep and gets its hands dirty. The kind of positivity that’s not afraid of sadness, and knows that we need each other.

I want to remind you that you are not alone, you will find yourself, and you can give the same hope to others.

If you are struggling, I hope these words comfort you. I encourage you to ask for help. If you know someone who is struggling, share these words with them and let them know they are not alone. Be their help.

I believe that we’re not meant to walk through life alone. People need people.

With love, Christine